Front Row Card Show was recently invited to The Geoff Wilson Show to discuss How To Be a Successful Dealer. Dan offered a variety of tips on how to make more money buying and selling cards at shows. 

Watch the interview here:

Here is an overview of the topics discussed:

Being successful in The Hobby starts with AUTHENTICITY.

You must genuinely care about collecting and collectors. If you are authentic and truly interested in collecting, then you will be able to build relationships with collectors and fellow dealers. It doesn't matter if you are into sports cards, TCG cards, autographs, memorabilia, comic books or other types of collectibles. You must be authentic. This is the foundation for building your business.

Although it is important to understand a collector's mindset, being a dealer requires a business mindset. Collectors collect. Dealers buy and sell to make a profit. The only way to do that is to treat it like a business.

There are 3 elements to becoming a successful dealer - STRATEGY, PRESENTATION and SALESMANSHIP. All of these components interrelate with one another, so take some time to think about each element of your business.


What is your identity? What are you trying to do at a show? These concepts are core to your success. You can't be all things to all people. Decide who you are and what you're doing at each show.

What dealers do you like seeing at shows? Why do you like them? If you want to be successful yourself, then you should try to become a dealer that other people are excited to see.

Important factors to consider:

  • What is your business model?
    • Where do you get your inventory?
    • What are your average profit margins?
    • What is your break-even point at each show?
    • What is your approach on pricing?
  • What would you like to be known for?
  • Do you have enough inventory to generate higher sales?
  • Are you actively buying at shows?
  • What is your identity? Do you have a logo?
    • You will sell more.
    • You will build more loyal customers.
    • Your inventory will always be changing - which collectors love!

Put some effort into thinking about your overall strategy. Make sure everything you do is aligned with that strategy.


It is critical to attract and keep collectors at your table. How can you make your table more appealing? Is it aligned with your strategy?

  • Do collectors understand what you do?
  • Do you have things collectors want?
  • Is your table organized? (It can even be messy, if that's on-brand for you)
  • Is your booth fun or boring?
  • Is everything displayed nicely and easy to see?
  • Is everything priced clearly?
  • Do you have bargain bins or binders for collectors to search?
  • Do you have signage?
  • Are your expensive items secure inside display cases?

Design your table to look great from a collector's viewpoint. Always walk around to the front of your table and ask yourself, "Would I stop at this table?"


Be friendly. Be fair. If you do these two things, you'll be OK.

If you want to truly excel, there are many more things can do:

  • Stand up. Talk to collectors at eye level.
  • Smile. Maintain a good attitude.
  • People draw people, so talk to people. Others will be attracted to your table.
    • Say "Hi" to people and open the door to conversations.
    • Ask collectors, "What do you collect?"
    • Listen, show interest and engage with collectors.
    • It doesn't matter if they buy from you. 
  • Acknowledge people who are waiting to talk to you. (Think like a bartender.)
  • BE FAIR when you negotiate.
    • You don't need to win each negotiation.
    • Give customers a good deal. They will come back to you!
  • Give free stuff to kids and new collectors. They are the future of the hobby.
  • Stay busy when a show is slow. Price or sort cards. (Don't look bored.)
  • Stay off your phone, unless you're looking something up.
  • Bring business cards.
  • Allow customers to pay you with credit cards, PayPal or Venmo.
  • Build relationships with customers, so they come back to you again and again.
  • Have fun!

Remember that this is a hobby. It's supposed to be fun. Nobody likes a grumpy dealer.

If you put some thought into your STRATEGY, PRESENTATION and SALESMANSHIP, you will generate loyal customers who seek you out at every show. 

Best of luck!

If you'd like to be a dealer at Front Row Card Show, visit our Vendor page:







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